Processo de Retífica e Inspeção de Trincas

The wear and tear caused by continuous use is expected during the useful life of an engine. And when cracks appear, the overhaul process must be done very well to ensure the safety of the vehicle and extend its service life. cracks appears, the grinding process must be done very well to ensure the safety of the vehicle and extend its service life.

Retífica é o processo de usinagem dos elementos contidos no motor como virabrequim, bielas, bloco, cabeçote, entre outros e substituição dos elementos fundamentais que não podem ser usinados.

After a washing and cleaning process, which may include the use of one of the Metal-Chek Cleaners, a crack test must be performed on the ferrous materials. Metal-Chek RemoversIn addition, crack tests must be carried out on ferrous materials.

Para checar as trincas subsuperficiais em peças de materiais ferromagnéticos, utilize o Método de Partículas Magnéticas. Conheça mais sobre esse método e os products available from Metal-Chek.

The Metal-Chek products follow all PETROBRAS and ASME standards and come with a certificate of conformity.

Metal-Chek, quality is our trademark!